Our greatest resource is the webmaster community, and here at Webmaster Central we're constantly impressed by the knowledge and expertise we see among webmasters: real-life SEOs, bloggers, online retailers, and all those other people creating great online content.
How do real-life webmasters actually use Webmaster Tools? We'd love to know, and we'd like to showcase some real-life examples for the rest of the community. Create a video telling your story, and upload it via the gadget in our Help Center. We'll highlight the best on our
Webmaster Central YouTube channel, and even embed some in relevant
Help Center articles (with full credit to you, of course).
To share your stories: Make a video, upload it to YouTube, then go to our
Help Center, and submit your vid via our Help Center gadget. Our full
guidelines give more information, but here is a summary of the key points:
- Keep the video short; 3-5 minutes is ideal. Think small: a short video is a good way to showcase your use of - for example - Top Search Queries, but not long enough to highlight your whole SEO strategy.
- Focus on a real-life example of how you used a particular feature. For example, you could show how you used link data to research your brand, or crawl errors to diagnose problems with your site structure. Do you have a great tip or recommendation?
- Upload your video before September 30.
- White hats are recommended. They show up better on screen.
Written by Michael Wyszomierski and Ríona MacNamara